Notre Dame in mid flow
For those of you who haven't played yet each player has a section of game board, each identical, with a small triangle representing Notre Dame cathedral placed in the centre. Each section is divided up into districts, hospital, park, coach station and so on. Also each player has a set of 9 action cards which are shuffled and you draw the top 3. You then keep 1 and pass the other 2 to the player on your left. When you get the 2 from the player on your right, you keep one and pass the other to your left, you end up with 3 action cards of which in each round you only play 2. You start the game with 4 influence cubes and 3 money. The cards let you do things like put cubes into districts and do the appropriate action. The actions include things like get money, more cubes, move the rat back on the plague track, move your carriage around the board and so on. I know this isn't the definitive rules explanation but you get the flavour.
Notre Dame board - close up
Steve had said that pays to keep an eye on the strategy of the player to your left so as not to pass him favourable cards, and also not to have a strategy the same as the player to your right as you won't get any good cards. Not having played before I just did what looked good and tried to follow that advice. The game is played over 3 periods (A, B, and C) and each period has 3 rounds, each round has 5 phases. The first phase in each round entails laying out the person cards, there are 2 decks of these, you turn up one from one deck and 2 from the other. In the bribe phase you are able to bribe one of these to perform actions for you, some of them are quite powerful.
Now that's a close up
The second phase you choose action cards, third phase play action cards, fourth phase bribe a person and finally 5th phase determine plague value. This involves looking at the number of rat symbols on the 3 exposed person cards and moving your rat along the plague track, if you reach the harbour you've got the plague. Not lose 2 VPs and a cube from the best section of your district.
I've just had a brief look at the comments on the Geek and they are a bit mixed, after one play I like it a lot and would like to play it with more players. Steve has played it with 5 and says it plays just as well. I got caught with the plague a few times and those VPs add up fairly quickly. Once you are on the end of the track it's quite hard to get your rat back down again, you have play those cards which let you do that at the expense of doing other valuable things. So a good first impression and as you can see the scores were fairly close.
Final Scores
Richard 50, Colin 45, Steve 44
We still had some time left so I suggested we give Fiji a run out, Steve and I had played before and Richard couldn't remember if he had or not. I think as we got into it he remembered it.
The colourful layout of Fiji
Another game from the prolific Friedemann Friese this is basically a blind bidding game, offering jewels to the natives to try to win shrunken heads. If your'e into shrunken heads this is the game for you! It's a lot of fun with not a lot of strategy and is very accecptable as an end of session filler.
Final Scores
Richard 6 heads, Steve 3 heads, Colin 3 heads
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