We have had plenty of snow here in St. Wolfgang, almost a foot this past week. And quite cold as well, -4C or thereabouts. We have been settling back into a routine after being in England so much over the last 3 months and looking forward to our next gaming session. Pauline and Stephen are over for a week during half term so we hope to get a couple of sessions in. Our first was yesterday, Pauline and Stephen had a copy of TtR Marklin which they had played a few times over the Christmas period so that was first on the table. I have played it once a few years ago and Tina had not played at all. It's most involved of the the TtR series involving passengers and another train card for 4+ routes. The bonus card is not for longest continuous track but for most completed route cards. Stephen started off early collecting passenger cards and not laying too much track. I concentrated on completed the routes I had initially drawn and then getting more route cards, taking 1 long and 3 short most times.
In the end I had 11 completed route cards for 83 points plus the bonus and surprisingly came out the winner.
Final Score
Colin 182, Pauline 167, Stephen 144, Tina 130

The next game we played was Metro. This Dirk Henn game by Queen Games was published in 1997. Basically each player is trying to construct rail routes and trying to make them as long as possible while restricting their opponents as short as possible. Each tile in the route is worth 1 point, tiles can be counted more than once if the route doubles back upon itself. Again I had played this several years ago but everyone else had not played. We played the first game, and it was a bit of a learning curve.

We decided to play a second game as everybody had a bit more idea what to do. I don't think we liked this game too much, you have to restrict your opponents routes to low scores as much as trying to score as much as possible yourself....ie stuffage. It's a nice little game but probably not our first choice for table time.
Final Scores
Game 1 - Colin 62, Pauline 54, Stephen 52, Tina 45
Game 2 - Stephen 57, Colin 50, Tina 48, Pauline 43
We are having another session tomorrow, report to follow.
Happy Gaming!!
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