Sunday, October 10, 2010

London is not only the capital of England!

It's also what looks to be a really good game from Martin Wallace. As usual I have been checking all the up coming new releases on Board Game News for this month's Essen. One of the games that caught my eye was the new Martin Wallace game, London. I downloaded the rules and read them through and was impressed enough to place a pre-order. I missed the Limited Edition version but what did that give you, a few wooden bits so no great loss. I have always liked card games and this is essentially card driven and it also plays 2, a big plus for me. Martin Wallace games have generally passed me by, Age of Steam, the Wallace classic was raved over by the group of players I used to play with, they collect all the maps and generally think it's the bees knees. It made my head hurt every time I played it and I didn't enjoy it at all. I also owned at one time, Princes of the Renaissance and Byzantium, both of which I sold. The BGG video feed from Essen looks great, I watched last year and it does give a great impression of the convention without actually being substitute really though.

More impressions of FIFA online from EA sports. There was a major update and the end of September and ever since then all I seem to get is disconnections midway through matches. The problem is pretty wide spread with many players getting frustrated because each disconnection gives you a 0-3 loss, not even the option to replay the game. So we will wait and see what happens...I know this is still Beta so can't complain too much.

The weather here in St. Wolfgang has been glorious for the last few days and today there is a walking day with 4,000 walkers gathering for a walk around the surrounding area and lunching in St. Wolfgang....more beer and wurstl!!

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