Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring and all that

Well, spring is upon us and I haven't posted for awhile. We have been to England for a couple of weeks in March, visiting family, friends etc. Back here in St. Wolfgang the weather has been fine and sunny, well, except for today which rainy and cold. We have been able to have lunch sitting on the balcony and had to wear hats because the sun was so hot! A lot of the spring alpine flowers are starting to show their faces as well.

We have been for a few walks up into the forests and along the lake, it's been really nice. Of course my new camera has been doing stirling service and I have tried to photograph some of the flowers. Don't know what a lot of them are called but they are very nice anyway.

Regarding the gaming front, I must admit I haven't played much lately, Tina and I tried the 2-player variant of Seafarers posted by Dave65tdh on BGG go here if you would like to have a look...

It seemed to work very well and we enjoyed it. I also noticed that the Martin Wallace release at this year's Essen is to be 'Ankh-Morpork' a game based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. Set in the city of Ankh-Morpork....(where else) the premise is that Lord Vetinari has disappeared and certain factions are trying to take over the city. Each player has a secret personality with a specific victory condition. Sounds intriguing, and as a bit a fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books it becomes a bit of a no-brainer for me. Apparently it will be available for pre-order one month before Essen and there is to be a De Luxe version as well, and this won't be limited so anyone who wants it can get a copy. No news on how the De Luxe version will differ from the standard version though.

More news anon...... happy gaming........ and don't forget Mum on Sunday....Happy Mother's Day mum!

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